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Stone of the Week: Labradorite


As a protective stone, Labradorite deflects negative energies…look at its iridescence and how it catches and moves the light, and with this Light it reflects back to you, it shields you from negativity while simultaneously purifying your energy with that Light.

As a mystical stone, it is aligned with esoteric knowledge, inner sight, and the realm of the inner landscape, aiding you in synthesizing wisdom and intuition. As two sides of the same coin, wisdom and intuition work hand in hand to help you understand yourself, your Guides, and all that surrounds you, seen and unseen. Labradorite aids the inifinite interplay of wisdom and intuition as they work to open you to 'coincidence control'--this is about your observation of synchronicity and serendipity in your life, which is one of the many ways Guidance speaks to you.

Another aspect of the ‘magic’ of Labradorite is its affinity with the energies of the clair-senses; astral travel; psychic readings and the Akashic Records; prophecy; and communication with Guides and Spirits.

Just as Labradorite adds cohesion to the interplay of wisdom and intuition, it likewise aligns the physical and etheric bodies. It grounds spiritual energies into the physical body as the Light filters down through the different fields of your aura: imagine connecting to Source and 'downloading' healing energy or Guidance, and as this high-vibration frequency flows down into you, Labradorite keeps you anchored (grounded) as you assimilate these frequencies into the Whole of You.

This makes Labradorite an important interdimensional stone because it anchors you as you shift and expand in multiple dimensions, much like a ship’s anchor holds it steady as it shifts and rolls on the water. Labradorite may also help you see these different layers of ‘reality’ as you experience them, again, supporting your wisdom, intuition, and alignment.

Labradorite can help you uncover the unconscious/sub-conscious belief patterns that generate emotional states, and it will also support you in the witnessing of the self-talk and egoic influences that form those beliefs. It supports you as you walk the path of spiritual growth, healing, and empowerment.

Overall, Labradorite is a magical, mystical, protective touchstone, and a powerful one. It's a great stone for those seeking to connect with their inner wisdom across dimensions, and to feel safe and grounded while doing so.

Key Words: mysticism, protection, interdimensional anchor

Element: Wind

Chakras: All

Geology: Labradorite is a type of feldspar, and it was first found in Canada, on the Labrador peninsula in 1770. The interplay of those iridescent colors of gold, blue, and purple is callled labradorescence. 'Geological cousins' of labradorite are nuumite, larvikite, and spectrolite.

*If you'd like a piece of Labradorite to work with, contact me...I have raw specimens with polished faces and palm stones in stock.

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