The entirety of your Soul--its experiences logged like an energetic imprint across time and space--exist in the Akasha like pages in a book or files in a database. This analogy is a little too linear for space-time dimension of the Records, but it's a helpful way, nevertheless, to help the mind make the leap.
The Akashic Records is often likened to a Hall or Library (there were no computer databases as we know now when the Records were first beginning to emerge in human consciousness--only different forms of writing): you walk in, search the card catalog, find the book, scan the table of contents or dive into the index—you get the idea!
Everything about You--your Soul--can be sourced from your Record. However, only by asking will you be guided, and only what you need to know in that moment about yourself will be shared.
In other words, not every detail about you across time and space will be revealed. That would be an unnecessary overload of information. Rather, you will hear precisely what you need to know at that given point in your Soul’s existence.
Why ask questions in the Records?
It is your questions that create access points in your Records—asking opens the door to learning, and learning helps you heal through letting go, developing new perspectives, and moving forward.
An important note:
Avoid self-judgement or self-denial when formulating your questions because there are no wrong, silly, stupid, taboo, or trivial questions. If you feel the urge to ask, Ask!
Some Suggested Questions
*This list is here if you need guidance around what to ask in an Akashic Records Reading. It is by no means a comprehensive list.
*You are allowed to ask about whatever you need support with or whatever you may want to heal.
“General Purpose” questions:
1. What do I want/need to know about XYZ?
2. What is my truth today?
3. What can I let go of?/What no longer serves me?
4. What can I learn today that will help me move forward in my life?
5. What expectations or judgements do I have which create blocks or limits in my life?
6. What are my gifts in this life?
7. How can I express my life’s passion?
8. What am I here to accomplish or create in this life?
Soul questions:
1. What is my soul’s original intention?
2. What is my soul’s calling for me in this lifetime? How do I embrace and understand this calling?
3. How do I improve awareness of my Higher Self and thus my soul’s focus?
4. What soul patterns do I need to embrace which will serve me in this lifetime?
Moving Forward:
1. What can I understand, release, or shift to move forward in my life?
2. What possibilities are arising for me in my life?
3. Why am I at a crossroads?
4. What do I need to understand or focus on the most as my life is changing?
Questions concerning Spirituality:
1. How do I expand my spirituality?
2. How can I improve my sense of connection with myself, with others, and with the earth?
3. How do I find a sense of the spiritual in my everyday life?
Other Topics:
Career, Leadership, and Business
Finances, Prosperity, and Abundance
Moving to a new home/town/state/country
Family, Children, Relatives, In-laws
*Remember, if you feel the urge to ask about something or anything, just ASK.
*You are allowed to ask about whatever you need support with or whatever you may want to heal.
To schedule an Akashic Records Reading with me, follow this link to my Offerings page.