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Peace, Ad Infinitum


Updated: Jun 8, 2023

Light Language Transmission 12.13.2022

My intention for my first blog posts had been to describe a little bit about the different ways I work with healing energy: Akashic Records, Crystal Therapy, Flower Essences, and Light Language.

But on a short walk in the woods today, that changed.

While the dogs dashed about sniffing deer tracks, I felt the urge to channel a light language transmission about Peace. I focused the direction of the transmission in this way:

for a sense of peace

for all my loved ones today,

and their loved ones,

and their loved ones,

ad infinitum.

I sensed this connection of love would be a beautiful conduit for a feeling of peace to travel through, spreading its warmth between all of us.

Yet at first, I did not feel myself shift into alignment with Light Language, which worried me a little bit.

Perhaps I said something wrong?

Then the Light Language came in fits and starts of words and signs. I think that’s because the vibration of peace in this day and this age must have difficulty cutting through other denser vibrations we may align with, consciously or not, as we react to the events of our lives, world troubles, relationship issues, bills, car trouble--you name it.

The transmission needed some oomph: like more water volume and higher pressure to push past the clogs in the pipe.

There wasn’t much I could add to the flow of energy except patience and my persistent belief that this transmission would help people this very day. And, too, I needed to set aside my little bit of worry and trust the Light Language to be just what is needed.

And then there was an extraordinary Flow!

It swept through the dimensions in quick, successive arcs of golden light, and my arms and hands could not sign Light Language fast enough!

There was such a deep, multi-dimensional resonance to this transmission as it moved through so many bonds between so many people, clearing dense vibrations and raising people into a sense of inner peace.

I began to sing Light Language, which is unusual for me, but the sounds put me in mind of joyful holiday music playing in the background while family is gathered and content in the evening. Yes, warm and fuzzy kind of stuff!

Then a flash of an image before me, an enormous glowing dove, wings and tail spread wide—this being a transmission about peace, it’s not surprising a dove was present. But it was a dove much larger than me, and it was transmitting Divine Peace through our bonds of love, slipping through the more open bonds with ease and providing a bit of healing comfort to the damaged links. This dove was so large as to convey it was, indeed, encompassing as many of us as are willing to receive Peace and Love on such a Universal level.

*I hope you notice a bit more serenity today, a bit more love and kindness, a bit more Peace in your soul and Love in your heart to share with one another.

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by Donna M. Nicol

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