What are the Akashic Records?
A subtle realm of existence.
A dimension of consciousness.
A source of guidance.
A place of healing.
A subtle realm of existence:
As humans, we exist in a linear timeframe of past, present, and future. We see ourselves as third dimension beings, generally believing in and accepting only that which we can respond to with our five senses. But with our sixth sense—a set of clair senses—we have the ability to perceive beyond this physical world and into multiple dimensions. We become aware of “something more.” The Akashic Records exist in this place of something more. It is a subtle realm. A subtle dimension, at once perceivable and imperceivable.
A dimension of consciousness:

As a dimension of consciousness, such as the dream state or subconscious—the Records contain information for each soul: past, present, and future. I tend to think of it as a realm in which we access our Higher Self, or Soul, and our Guides. Some Akashic Records readers will speak of accessing your Masters, Teachers, and Loved Ones in the Records. It has been my experience, thus far, to access your Higher Self and your Guides as well as other Beings of Light who have information to share with you. Beings of Light is a broad term for all those helpful entities who support you. No matter the terminology—the important piece is that it is your Record and your support crew we speak with and learn from.
A place of guidance:

When we enter the realm of the Akashic Records, we seek information specific to you: in this lifetime, in past lives, and possible futures. An important thing to note, however, is that the Records are not predictive. That is, nothing is written in stone concerning your future because we have free will—we can make choices. Any information regarding the future is based on where you are mentally and emotionally during the time of accessing your Records. We would all like to know what our path looks like going forward, particularly when we feel lost or confused about what is the next step. Through accessing your Records, you discover options and receive healing in alignment with your Highest Good.
So, in review, the Akashic Records is a subtle realm in which information regarding you can be accessed. The Records are not predictive. Nothing is predictive—we can look ahead and get an idea, a sense, of what may come, but how you move forward and act in the future is your choice.
But how is time in the Akashic Records a healing modality?
A place of healing:

To heal, by definition, is “to restore to health or soundness; reconcile differences; remedy. To become sound and well.” We heal in the Records because there is Divine Love and Support flowing to us each time we enter, ask questions, and receive answers. We see ourselves through the eyes of Beings of Light. We see our Higher Self in its purity and integrity. We look at ourselves through our Soul's viewpoint. We feel our ever-constant connection to the Divine. And so we begin to integrate these awarenesses into how we value ourself, forgive ourself; how we relate to others. We see ourselves as whole.
Linda Howe explains the healing energy of the Akashic Records in her book How to Read the Akashic Records:
Whenever you access the Akashic Records, the energy of the Akasha meets your human energy and causes a kind of “ignition,” as the Light of the Akasha (which is extrememly fast and refined yet indestructible) meets your slower, heavier human energy. When this happens, the lighter energies join together to create a faster vibration, and the heavier, denser energies associated with negative emotions and repetitive thought patterns fall away and are absorbed by the earth’s energy field. There they are transmuted into energy patterns that are more useful on the physical plane. So, merely by being in the Records, you receive an “energetic tune-up” that helps you refine and elevate your own energy” (98).
The high-vibration Light of the Akasha coupled with the perspective of Self at the Soul level brings a beautiful healing energy that supports, guides, reveals, and repairs. We exit the Akashic Records filled with the energy and information we needed from Soul and Source.
*For more information, feel free to contact me with your questions.
*To learn more about an Akashic Records reading with me, visit my Offerings page or contact me.