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What is the Mystic's Library?


Updated: Feb 17, 2024

Come on in!

(Aren't these the most beautiful doors for a mystical, imaginary library??)

Sit down with a cup of tea or cocoa or a glass of elixir water, and click through some (hopefully!) interesting topics and (sometimes) deep thoughts.

So why The Mystic’s Library?

This place in the WWW has come into existence from a confluence of experiences:

*my study of different energy work modalities

*personal work in the Akashic Records

*my personal healing journey

*seeking Universal Truths

As a writer, book lover, book collector, bookstore clerk, and (once-upon-a-time) librarian, it felt natural to create and curate an online source of information for other spiritual seekers.

So, yeah, in other words, I love sharing what I know or what I find out because I love to help others.

A "Slow" Collection

Slow food, slow fashion, slow walks, slow drives

...slow libraries???

(It's good to go slow, for some of us! I know you know who you are...)

I like to take my time, but I also need to take my time because that's the way of my creativity and healing and growth.

So you may come 'round here and find something new, or you may find I haven't spoken in months...

It's a process, this business of keeping a blog and website. I'm creative, and I get inspired for one project and just get it going when another inspiration flits into my consciousness and I'm off working on that. Then back to an older project, and on to a newer one, then some introverted rest, and then finally finishing a creation.

If you're a creative empath, too, you probably understand this cyclical kind of creativity. (I recently found a wonderful resource for creative empaths--her name is Lauren Sapala.)

The Business of the Mystic's Library

My intention with the Mystic's Library is to review books that have helped me, share links to other empaths and Lightworkers whose knowledge has been so helpful for me, and to reveal a bit of what I think about, the experiences that inform me, and just general metaphysical and spiritual chit-chat.

You won't always find something new here, and when there is a new bit I'll share it on Facebook, too. But check back. And always feel free to write me an email or message me on FB with your questions, your thoughts...I love a good philosophical conversation!

Thanks for being here!

With gratitude and in the Light,


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